Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas time + Party time = Christmas Party time!!

Alrighty, our Christmas party is rapidly approaching so here are the details.  

1. It will start at 6:00pm and end at 9:00pm this Saturday night.

2. Location: Jacob and Lindsey Young’s home at 5090 Easton Dr., Tuscaloosa, AL 35405

3. We are going to continue what we started last year and decorate the “not as naked as last year but still rather naked” UY Christmas tree.  Basically everyone needs to bring a homemade ornament. There are no real guidelines other than to make an ornament with their creativity and put their name and the year on it somewhere.  They will be judged and the winner will receive a stellar prize.

4. We are asking that everyone bring some sort of finger food with them.  Drinks and Desserts will be provided.  

5. Lastly, we will be having a variation of a gift exchange so everyone needs to bring a gift with them. NO MONEY MUST BE SPENT ON THIER GIFT!! It can either be something they already have that they dont mind giving away or something they made.  Try and attempt to make it something someone else would at least slightly want to have.  

Ok I think that covers it.  I know that’s a lot of homework for a party but it should be a good evening together.  If you have any questions at all, feel free ask. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hump day, Santa and the Beach

Wednesday Nights
UY will continue to meet at 6:30pm on Wednesday evenings through the winter quarter.  However, we will not meet on Christmas and New Year’s eve.

Christmas Party
Saturday, December 13 we will be having our Christmas party at the home of Jacob and Lindsey Young starting at 6:00pm.  Ill give you the address and a few more details next week but just wanted to throw out a reminder.

Gulf Coast Getaway

Andy has invited the Seniors to join the college group as they travel to Pensacola, FL for the 2015 Gulf Coast Getaway.  If you have a Senior and they are interested in joining us, you can click HERE for more information.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Retreat Reflection, Get Appreciated

Retreat Reflection
I know not all of your teens were able to make it this past weekend but I wanted to say a few things about our time together.  Without boring you with the details, this retreat was different than most in that it required the teens to feed themselves spiritually instead of sitting and being fed.  I was hesitant to how this would go over because this would require them to be disciplined, but let me just say I was blown away with the way they responded and actually spent what equated to hours of study and reflection.  I feel confident they were pushed to think about things on their own and work through some questions as they evaluated their walk with Christ.  On a side note, their obedience on being where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be there and cleaning what they were assigned to clean, might have been the best I've ever seen.  That may seem trivial but I think it speaks loudly to their maturity and respect.  I am very proud of these teens and I just wanted you to know you should be too.

Parent Appreciation Night
This Sunday night at 6:00pm, we will gather in the CVA for Parent Appreciation Night.  This is simply going to be an evening of food, fun and a time for your kids to focus some appreciation your way.  It will be a very casual setting and dinner will be served.  I really do hope your family will be able to be there.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Retreat, Meet, Shoot and get Appreciated

Retreat - October 24-26
Just a friendly reminder that THIS SUNDAY is the deadline for retreat sign-up.  $55 and online registration HERE will do the trick.

E4 meeting

Next Monday, October 13,  6:30-7:30pm will be our next E4 meeting to work on some things.  If your teen has committed to being a part of this, they should already know about it..... just wanted to make you aware.

Make a movie night
We will be putting together some sort of fun video this Saturday night from 6-9pm.  Eat before arrival, snacks provided.

Parent Appreciation Gig - Sunday, November 2
This is simply a night where your teens will serve you dinner and show you a bit of appreciation through some entertainment and other means.  I think this will be a special night so try and make plans to be there.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hayride and Retreat

Hoedown Hayride
That's right it's time for a little Hoedown Hayride this Saturday night.  I need to relay some details as well as enlist some help to make this a great night.  First off, let me communicate clearly that this is for your entire family.... all are welcome.  We will kick things off at 6:00pm out at 
Ken and Leigh Ann Smelser's place.  I realize the game will be wrapping up at that point so please know there will be a tailgate setup with a TV for those who want to watch.  Feel free to come on out a little early and watch the game there with us as we get ready for the night.  Smoked chicken will be provided, but I need your help in bringing the side items.  Click HERE if you would be willing to help fill this need.  Also, I'm in need of some portable flood lights.  If you have some illumination laying around, please let me know.  

Im asking the teens to come dressed the part (your interpretation of what that means) and you can feel free to do that as well.... no pressure though.  I feel very confident this is going to be a great night together. Come ready to eat some great food and have some big fun.  

Fall Retreat - October 24-26
We are headed to Mentone, AL to "His Wilderness Retreat".   You can register your teen HERE.  Cost will be $55 and is due by October 12.  Once registration is closed I will email specific details on the trip to those whose teens are participating.  If you have any questions about it at this point, please feel free to ask.  

Thursday, September 25, 2014

E4, Worship and a Hayride

I hope everyone’s school year is trucking along just great.  I just wanted to touch base on a couple of things quickly.

Ephesians 4 Initiative
A while back I explained the direction we are attempting to go as a group in step with Ephesians 4:12-13, which in its simplest form is to serve as an avenue to grow in Christ.  There have been 28 teens who have indicated that they want to be a part of this, which is a pretty high percentage of our participating group.  For verbiage purposes this group is being called E4.  We have had two E4 meetings so far and I must say it is exciting to watch them take responsibility and ownership of different opportunities laid before them.  Please be in prayer that God awaken their desire to use the gifts he has given them to bring Him Glory.

The Living Room
Keeping in step with the above paragraph, the UY is overseeing the next “Living Room” this coming Sunday, September 28 at 6:00pm.  Responsibilities have been given and preparations are being made to put together an hour that we can get together and spend some time in Worship.  UY family community group will plan to attend this and I hope the rest of you will as well.  

Hoedown Hayride

Next Saturday, October 4, at 6:00pm all are invited to the Smelser’s place for some good food, fellowship, and of course… a Hayride.  I’ll send a bit more details next week but I hope you and your family will plan to be there.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

A note from Mark Sullivan

Dear Parents of teens:

I am looking forward to the new quarter starting this Sunday and the return of Small Groups.  If you did not participate in the Teen Small Group last year, or were not involved in another group, you really missed out on some fantastic time of fellowship, service and learning.  I would especially like to encourage you in two ways:
1)      If you have not already done so, please sign up to be a part of a small group. Sign-ups are still available in the office.  There is probably a group located close to your home.  Or if you prefer, you can sign up to be a part of the Teen Small Group, which is designed especially for parents of teens in our youth group.  As we did last year, our format for this group (which is led by Michael) includes alternating weeks of Study, Service and Fellowship.  Our adult group will typically meet on Sunday night while our teens are meeting separately, but we will fellowship and serve together.  I promise that if you engage in this group, you will not be disappointed.
2)      Please commit to coming to Sunday School Class starting this Sunday.  As you know, we will be starting our two worship service schedule this Sunday with first service beginning  at 8:45, Sunday School class at 10:00 and second service at 11:00. Our Bible study will also include perspectives from Gene Getz’s book, Building Up One Another .  This will be a great study that will focus on our call as Christians to encourage and serve one another.  It will also be a great time of togetherness as we have families who will be attending different worship services.  The adults in the Teen Small Group will meet in classroom 214 on Sunday morning.  Hope to see you there.

Mark Sullivan

Friday, August 22, 2014

Road map

I need to warn you first, this is going to be a long one.  Look at it as a substitute for having to show up to a meeting.  If you love meetings... I'm sorry for your loss.  If you hate meetings... you're welcome.

As far as youth ministry goes, August is a time to regroup, plan and map out the blueprint for what is to come over the next year.  So, after attempting to do so, I have several things I want to lay out there for you guys. 

1. There will be no Wednesday night gathering for the teens this upcoming Wednesday, Aug 27.  I will be away at a retreat, but things will resume the following Wednesday as usual. 

2. There is a new UY website.  Same address, just a new look and a better platform for me to utilize a few things I couldn't on the other platform.  One of those being the calendar (see #3)   

3. If you go to, and click on the calendar button, you will see the major events through next July with the exception of the spring retreat which is still TBA.  Also, you will see what I will call the minor events through this December.  (ie. game nights, movie night, etc).  Without having to scroll through the Calendar, here are a few dates to keep an eye on.

Aug 30 - Board Game night
Oct 4 - Hoedown Hayride at the Smelser’s
Oct 11 - Make a Movie night
Oct 24-26 - Fall Retreat
November 2 - Parent Appreciation Dinner (Prepare to be appreciated)

4. Ok, now that we got all the logistical stuff out of the way, lets dive into the heart of the blueprint for the next several months.  

Your teens are no longer children.  I know for some of you that is a tough reality to swallow but like it or not they are entering the years of their life where they slowly become independent as they head into adulthood.   With each passing year they are making more and more decisions that are “their” decisions.  With that being said, what Im about to lay out there is intended to raise the bar of expectation in terms of what it means for them to be a disciple of Christ and the choices ahead as it pertains to that.  This is what we will call the Ephesians 4 approach.  Feel free to go read that whole chapter sometime but to help me better explain myself here, verses 11-13 are below. 

“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”

Do me a favor and read that one more time.  I know Im pushing it here, but seriously, soak in what Paul just laid out there.  

Ok, lets work our way backwards through that passage.  The last portion of the last sentence there says that we “attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ”.  I don't know about you, but that sounds like a fairly incredible thing to have received and I think you would agree that it would be an incredible thing for your teen to receive.  Ok, continuing to work backwards.  He says we become mature before that happens and that we have to reach a unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God. Before that can happen, he says the body of Christ is built up. Ok, Im really hoping you are tracking here, Im not so great at written communication.  Here’s the kicker. Before he lays out all those powerful maturing advancements as a follower of Christ he says “So that”.  In this instance this little “so that” is a powerful thing but only if you dial in on what he says just before.  “Equip his people for works of service”  So if we let this waterfall of words flow forward as it should, we see that once God’s people have been equipped to serve Him, and they do so, the Body of Christ is built up, reaching a unity in faith and in knowledge of Jesus, becomes mature, and grabs a hold of the entirety of who Christ is being poured out into their lives.  

If you got lost there, and I think I may have successfully gotten myself lost, here’s the Ephesians 4 approach at it’s simplest form.  I am going to be presenting your teens with various opportunities to serve their Lord, and through those opportunities I believe God is going to mature them in extraordinary ways.  

These opportunities are going to present themselves in 7 different ways.  If you read Romans 12:6-8 you can pick out 7 different spiritual gifts that we as humans potentially possess.  These are gifts given to us by God and are specific to how he created us.  These are the different gift types along with a very concise and quick explanation.

--The Perceiver  - Quickly and accurately identifies good and evil. Sees everything as either black or white with no gray or indefinite areas. Is one who readily perceives, prays about, proclaims and promotes the will of God.

--The Server - Easily recognizes practical needs and is quick to meet them.  The Server receives joy in helping, assisting, carrying out instructions and being of use in a wide variety of ways.

--The Teacher - Validates truth by checking out the facts and loves to study and do research.  Takes in the knowledge of God and is gifted in teaching others that knowledge through various ways.

--The Exhorter - This one could also be called the encourager.  They love to encourage others to live up to their full potential. Works well with people and does so in a way that others are inspired to follow.  Communicates well and has an infectious zeal for whatever cause they are behind.

--The Giver - Exactly what you think it is.  Selfless and finds joy in giving to help others. Gives freely of money, possessions, time, energy and love

--The Administrator - This person is a born leader.  Other words used to describe them are facilitator, organizer or superintendent.  Highly motivated to organize and lead.

--Compassion - This person loves on a level that they want to get involved and make a difference.  To look to someone in need and have compassion in their heart is not enough.  Its and active compassion that gets things done. 

The plan is to present different scenarios and opportunities where these gifts can be used and brought out for the glory of God.  

While at IMPACT, each student took a fairly extensive survey that was designed to point them in the direction of which of these were their gifts.  I will be using these results to help guide who is involved in what.  If your teen did not go to IMPACT but has a desire to take this survey I will grant them that opportunity.  

I have seen this whole “Ephesians 4, raise the bar” approach laid out to groups of college students and young adults before with incredible fruit produced for the kingdom of God.  I have not seen it laid out to a group of teenagers.  However, as I said before, your teens are not children and I believe God desires strongly to use them in powerful ways.  

5. Ok, last bullet point here. If you are still reading, thank you.  WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, I need you to help make a special effort to encourage your teen to be there.  This will be the launching point for all of this and it would be great to get everyone on the same page. Wednesday nights in general are where we can accomplish the most together as a group.  I know its the middle of the week and homework and practice and a million other things cloud it all up but I just want to say, if your teen can make it on Wednesday nights, it will be most helpful to them and the group.  

As always, I want to say thank you for the support and prayers you give to this group.  You guys are awesome!  Meeting adjourned.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

One Quick Date-October 24-26

Within the next week or so I will be rolling out our fall calendar with all those wonderful dates that you need to be made aware of.  However, I wanted to go ahead and let you know of one of our more important dates.  Fall Retreat this year will be the weekend of October 24-26. Registration will open up about a month out from then, but for all you organized calendar people, I wanted to go ahead and make you aware.  I hope you will make plans to allow your teen to be a part.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

It is official… the summer has come to an end and great sadness has fallen on many.  Let me just say this has been an incredible summer on so many levels and I want to thank all of you who had a part in making it so.  I truly saw God work in so many ways and Im excited for the platform it has set up to lead us into the fall semester.  Ive just got two items of importance that will both help us close out our summertime and shift gears for the next few months together.

Farewell Bash for the Interns
This Sunday night we will meet in the teen room at 6:00pm to eat together and spend some time saying goodbye to Caleb Snider and Kristen Smith.  Both have been a tremendous asset this summer and its only appropriate that we take a moment to say thank you.  We will be going with the standard “bring a finger food item” set up.  If you guys can plan on doing that, I will take care of drinks and other items needed to successfully have such a gathering.  Please do not feel obligated in any way, but if you have a desire in your heart to get them a gift or donate to a money/gift card tree, then by all means Im sure they will not object.  Hope to see you all there… parents and teens invited.

Small Groups this Fall
For this year’s small group system we are going to stick with what we attempted last year, with a few tweaks to help improve.  I feel the need to reiterate this: If you are already in a small group you love, and have no desire to change, please stay there and do not feel any obligation to what Im about to lay out.  In fact, you can just stop reading and have a good day.  For those of you who were a part of the UY small group system or were not involved at all last year, here is the proposal.  This Sunday begins the small group sign-up process.  One of the options you will be presented with is the UY Family Small Group.  This will be a small group that is designed to have your families together participating half of the time while also allowing the parents and teens to meet separately to grow in different ways. I see small groups within a church as maybe the largest tool to carry out God’s kingdom work here as the body.  It’s more than just the second tier thing you do at church.  It’s an environment that allows deeper relationships to grow, more specific and powerful prayers for each other to be had, and a platform to actively serve the city we live in.  I could go on, but just know that I hope you will consider jumping into a small group somewhere and if it happens to be this one… well Im excited to have you on board.  If you need more information about how this will work, please feel free to ask me.  

Friday, August 1, 2014

3 Quick Tidbits

Six Flags over GA
Six Flags deadline is this Sunday, August 3 at noon.  I have to know our final number by then so if your teen would like to take part… $35 will solidify the deal.  

Dodgeball Tourney
Help us spread the word on this.  We are wanting as many teams to sing up as possible.  We are going to put a lot into this event so we want people there.  You can direct people to this blog post (Click HERE) that will tell them the needed info and the link to register online.

Farewell to our Interns
Next Sunday night, August 10, at 6:00pm we will be saying goodbye to our interns.  If you  haven't personally gotten the chance to get to know them, I hope you have at least heard what an outstanding job they have done from your teens. So, join us as we say thank you and goodbye.

Monday, July 28, 2014

No Sleep, Roller Coasters and Ball to the face.

Alrighty, well it’s time for my favorite event of the year, or at least somewhere in the top 100.  It’s lock-in time! This Wednesday, July 30, we will start at 8:00pm at the building.  They need to bring a drink and a snack to share with the rest of the group.  Pick up time will be no later than 8:00am, but if it fits your schedule to come get them earlier, you are more than welcome to do so.

Six Flags over Georgia
The cost for will be $35.  This includes ticket to the park and to help offset a little of the gas.  They will also need money for 3 meals.  The plan is to leave the building at 7:30am, Monday August 4th, arrive at the park around 12:00 est. and stay there till it closes.  We will then be going to the Alpharetta YMCA teen facility where we will stay the night.  There are showers there but they will need to bring an air mattress if they don't want to sleep on the floor.  I have several air mattresses if someone is in need of one.  We will wake up on Tuesday and travel home planning to arrive back at the building around 1:00pm. Deadline to sign up will be this Sunday August 2nd. 

Dodgeball Tourney

This is an event we will be hosting August 9, at 2:00pm.  You can check out the previous post to see the details of that.  Teams will need to register online.  They can do so HERE.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Deadline and online payment

Camp deadline is tomorrow (Sunday) so this will be the last time you have to see me post about signing your teen up.  Below are two links:  Link 1 is for camp registration and link 2 is for online payment.  Again, the cost for camp is $110 for first camper and then subtract $10 for each additional camper.  If you are writing a check, you can make that out to UCC and give it to me tomorrow.  If you choose to pay online, here is what you need to know.  When you click on the link you will see two different slots to make a payment.  Be sure to enter your amount in the "Youth Group-camp" slot so that money goes into the youth account.   If you don't mind, shoot me an email or text (615-429-2929) letting me know you paid online so I can keep a tally on who has paid.  After registration is closed tomorrow I will send out all the wonderful information you and your teen will need to know to prepare for Camp.  Please continue to be in prayer that God use this week together to transform our hearts to match up with His desires.  Thank you all and I can't wait!

Online Registration
Click HERE

Online Payment
Click HERE

Monday, July 7, 2014

The week ahead

Alrighty, I have a few details to lay out on a couple of the things coming up here within the next week.  If you have a 7th or 8th grader, remember tomorrow (Tuesday) we will be leaving from the building at 11:30am to head over to the Bowers park for lunch (bring their own).  

Camping - Tuesday Night
We are going to push the leave time for camping to 4:00pm.  

They should bring: 
Sleeping bag
tent (if they dont have one, no worries, we should have plenty)
bug spray

I will have hot dogs, chips, drinks, smores and breakfast bars/fruit.  If they so desire to consume other foods or snacks, they should bring their own. We will plan to be back at the building at 9:00am on Wednesday morning.

Chuy’s and Airwalk
The plan is to leave the building at 4:00pm on Thursday and head to Chuy’s to eat.  After talking with the airwalk people it appears that you are going to have to each individually sign waivers and purchase tickets online since I can not tell them a firm number of people we will have.  This is to ensure that there are enough spots in the arena.  Once it fills up for a particular time slot, they cant let anyone in.  So, I would suggest if your teen desires to go, that you go ahead and do this ASAP.  Click HERE to go to the website and begin the process.  WARNING: This is a hassle. You are probably going to want to pony up to an actual computer and not try to attempt this on a cellular device.  I can already tell you we will probably not be returning to this place just by the high amount of hoops and hassle that is required to enter the building with a group. What you will need to know before embarking on this internet gauntlet known as signing your kid up to jump on a trampoline is:

First you will go through the waiver process
When you head over to the ticket process you'll need to make sure that Thursday, July 10 is the date to click on.
6:30 is the time slot to sign-up for.
You can either sign up for a 1 hour time slot or 1-1/2 hour slot.  My experience with these places is that 2 hours is too much.  If your teen only wants to do an hour, they can sit with me off to the side in recovery.

If any of you would like to join us, you are more than welcome.  I want to apologize in advance for putting you through this.  This place is like Lock-in’s, its only happening because I have caved to the pressure of asking teenagers.  I am weak but fool me once...


11th and 12th Grade Lunch outing

This Friday, meet at the building at 11:30, bring a lunch

All Sons and Daughter Concert
The Concert is free but we will grab a fast food bite to eat before hand.
Leaving the building at 3:30pm

Again, you guys are welcome to jump on board if you would like.  Should be a great night of worship.

Camp Deadline
This coming Sunday is the deadline for Camp registration.  Im really encouraging the kids to invite friends. So I guess now Im encouraging you to help encourage your kids to invite friends.  So glad everyone in encouraged.  Also, payment for this event is welcomed - $110.
What's that you say?? Where should you go to sign up?  That's easy - CLICK ME!! CLICK ME!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Splash, USA, Lunch, Campfires, Worship, Free Concert, Cheese Dip, Trampolines, Kumbaya, All-nighter and the Scream machine

So it appears that trying to plan something next week has become a curse.  Once again, due to circumstances out of our control, we are going to have to cancel the canoe trip that we were attempting to pull off.  This makes me sad and Im sorry for the flip flop on scheduling... no one hates that more than me.  

With Knoxville work camp, IMPACT, and VBS in the books we are over halfway through our summer at this point.  Camp is the only major event remaining (register your teen HERE) but there are a lot of smaller opportunities sprinkled along the way.  Some of these you know about and some you are about to be made aware of.  Below is a list of the things we have planned for the remaining 5-6 weeks of this summer. I realize everyone can’t do everything but I hope that your teen can jump in where they desire.  

Wed. - July 2 
Wednesday Night Gathering for focus and worship 
6:30pm - Teen Room

Thur. - July 3
Intern Summer Shindig 
Splash Mania (slip n slide, water balloon fight, etc) 
3:00pm - 5:00pm Church Building 

Fri. - July 4
Lake Day and Fireworks at Sunshine Pointe
Everyone bring drinks - Girls bring something salty - Guys bring something sweet.
1:00pm - Dark

Mon. - July 7
9th and 10th Grade Lunch at Lake Harris 
Bring their own lunches.
Leave from building at 11:30am - Return to building at 4:00pm

Tue. - July 8th
7th and 8th grade Lunch at the park 
Bring their own lunches.
Leave building at 11:30, return at 2:00pm  
See camping trip below.  If they want to participate in that, they can just show up to lunch ready to go.

Tue. Night - July 8th
Camping trip at Blue Creek Campsite
Leave from building at 3:00pm or just meet us there around 4:00pm
Pick up from building at 9:00am Wednesday morning 
Google maps location to the campsite HERE.

Wed. - July 9th
Wednesday night Gathering for focus and Worship
6:30pm - Teen Room

Thur. - July 10th
Birmingham Road trip for Chuy’s and Airwalk 
4:00pm - 9:00pm

Fri. - July 11th
11th and 12th grade Lunch at Lake Harris
Leave from building at 11:30am - Return to building at 4:00.

Sun. Night - July 13th 
Free “All Sons and Daughters” concert in Hoover, AL.  
If you haven’t heard of these guys you should check them... good stuff
Time details TBA.

Wed. - July 16
Wednesday Night Gathering for Focus and Worship
6:30pm - Teen Room

Thur. - July 17
Summer Shindig

Sat. - July 19
Lake Day

July 20-25
UY Camp - register HERE

Wed. - July 30 

August 4-5 
Six Flags over Atlanta

Ok, I think that about covers it.  As certain events get closer, I will hit you with the specific details where needed.  This summer has been a blast so far and it's about to get even more exciting.  Have I mentioned that you can register your teen for camp by simply clicking HERE?  If you ever have any questions about anything feel free to contact me.  Thank you for your continued support and prayers as we call on God to continue to transform this group.

One last thing.... if you click....HERE an amazing opportunity will occur.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Canoes and Camp

Intern’s Summer Shindig
The interns have been planning a hang out night on the Thursday’s we are in town.  There will be no Shindig tonight, but they will plan on having one next Thursday at 6:00pm.

Canoe Trip - July 7-9
Due to housing issues we have been forced to cancel our trip to Sneedville, TN which was planned for the week of July 6-10.  This came to my realization a few weeks ago and Ive been trying to figure out a way to still make it happen but efforts have failed.  As a replacement opportunity we have planned a canoe trip to  Castleberry, AL.  We will leave from the building on Monday, July 7th at 7:00am and return on Wednesday, July 9th around 5pm.  The trip will involve canoeing several miles on Monday, camping monday night, canoeing all day on Tuesday, camping once again Tuesday night, and then canoeing the remaining bit on Wednesday morning to the end point.  This will be a “roughing it” type of trip but I think it will provide us with a great environment to spiritually focus on a few things while we are together.  Canoe rental for each person for three days will be $40 and teens will need to pack two lunches with them…. other meals will be provided.  Ill need to know by Sunday morning, July 6th, who will want to embark on this adventure.  Once those who are going have signed up Ill hit you with a little more detail on what your teen should bring with them.  

UY Camp 2014-July 20-25

Camp will once again be taking place at Fall Creek Falls in Tennessee.  The cost per camper is $110.  If you have multiple campers in your family you can deduct $10 per additional camper (I know its not much but trick yourself into thinking its a financial victory). This year Camp will be available for those entering the 6th grade through those who have just graduated.  Registration will be done online so you can click HERE to register your camper.  If you have multiple campers, you’ll need register each of them separately.  You can make checks payable to UCC and give them to me at your convenience.  Deadline for signup is Sunday, July 13.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wednesday, Lake, Flyers, Camp

Wednesday nights
There will be no Wednesday night gathering for the teens this Wednesday as the majority of the group is here at IMPACT.  Next Wednesday Michael Cooper will be in town and will take the opportunity to lead us in a night of worship.  We will be meeting in the UCM room, along with those college students in town and anyone else who would like to join us to spend some time in Worship.  You are invited to join us as well.

Lake Day

This Sunday, June 22, is our next Lake day.  We will plan on arrival being around 1:00pm and we can wrap things up at 8:00pm.  We are asking that everyone bring drinks this time to ensure we have enough.  Girls bring something sweet and guys bring something savory.  Burgers and hotdogs provided.

Note from Mrs. Sandy for those teens who are in town:

We need your help! Friday morning we are going to hand out info about VBS in West Circle.
Please meet us at Mrs. Glisa’s or Mrs. Amy’s at 9:30. We will be finished by 11:00.
I am excited so many teens have volunteered to help with VBS!
It will be a WILD week!!!
Please call Sandy @ 344-2606 if you have questions.

CAMP 2014
I am pumped about the growing excitement for Camp.  It is by far my favorite week of the summer. Next week I will launch the online registration and get things rolling but I just wanted to drop a little note to keep it on your minds.  July 20-25 we will be going to Fall Creek Falls to partake in some good ole summer camp fun and spiritual growth.  If I could only choose one thing for your teen to be a part of this summer, I would choose this week.  We are able to accomplish so much during our time together there and I ask that you begin now asking God to take control of that week and calling on His spirit to move hearts and minds into a deeper understanding of a real relationship with Him.  Stay tuned...

Side note from IMPACT
Junior IMPACT was awesome and Senior IMPACT has started off just as great.  The theme has to do with the distractions the world throws at us and our fight to see the person God has created us to be, not the person the world desires us to be.  Every year IMPACT seems to deliver on taking our hearts to a much needed contemplation on who we are but in particular this year I think it's timing and delivery is hitting home.... at least for me it is.  As you know, this generation of teens are consumed with distractions, one of the biggest being right in their pocket and accessible at all times.  This week we are digging through Ephesians and hopefully coming to the realization of what it really means to be ALIVE in Christ.  I just wanted to let you know what we are working through here and my hope is that you will pray specifically for our group as we unpack our hearts and pull back the veil on the reality of who we are verses who God is calling us to be.  See you Sunday!

Monday, June 9, 2014


First off, if you have yet to pay in full, feel free to do so.

We will be departing from the building Friday June 13, at 7:30am.  Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow us time to pack and get on the road at our scheduled time. They will need to eat breakfast before they arrive and lunch will be served upon arrival at Lipscomb.  Return time will be around 2:00pm on Monday, June 16.  

On Monday we will be stopping for lunch, so money will be needed for that meal (fast food).  Also, if they desire to purchase drinks or other snacks on campus during the weekend, they may want to bring a little cash for that as well. A $20 deposit for their room key is needed upon arrival, this will be returned to them at the end of the camp assuming they don't lose it.  

What to bring:
Clothes - IMPACT does have a dress code they enforce.  This mainly applies to the girls so keep in mind that modest shorts and shirts are required.  If you have further questions on what that means, feel free to ask me and Ill do my best to explain.  
Sleeping bag, or sheets and blanket
Toiletry items (Soap, shampoo, toothbrush, etc)
$20 room key deposit

Departure will be at 11:00am on Monday, June 16, from the building. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow us time to pack and get on the road at our scheduled time. We will be returning around 2:00pm on Saturday, June 22.

They will be stopping for lunch on Monday and on the return trip on Saturday so money will be needed for those two fast food lunches.  Also, if they desire to purchase drinks or other snacks on campus during the week, they may want to bring a little cash for that as well. A $20 deposit for their room key is needed upon arrival, this will be returned to them at the end of the camp assuming they don't lose it.

What to bring:
Clothes - IMPACT does have a dress code they enforce.  This mainly applies to the girls so keep in mind that modest shorts and shirts are required.  If you have further questions on what that means, feel free to ask me and Ill do my best to explain.  
Sleeping bag, or sheets and blanket
Toiletry items (Soap, shampoo, toothbrush, etc)
$20 room key deposit

Monday, June 2, 2014

Wednesday and Impact $$$

No Wednesday teen gathering
As stated in the last update, there will be no Wednesday night gathering for the teens this week due to Knoxville Workcamp.  

Impact is just under two weeks away.  I need to collect the remaining balance if you have yet to pay that.  They are:

IMPACT JR - $130
IMPACT SR - $190

These need to be turned in to me before we leave.  Thanks so much and have a great week.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Thanks, Wednesday, Keys, Lake, Serve

A big huge gigantic thank you to all who were able to be there last night and bring your piece of  the puzzle to make our Welcome Cookout a success.  I feel like our day of 7th grader inducting went really well.  It was half fun and half serious and I hope they feel like they are a part of this group now as we move forward into the summer. I also know the interns appreciated it and thus far feel extremely welcomed by your efforts to make them feel that way.  So, thank you.  Ok, the summer train is rolling and here is what is around the near corner.  

Wednesday Nights
As has been announced, there are no adult classes on Wednesday nights but we as a youth group will be getting together when we are in town.  This week we will meet, but next week we will not because of Knoxville Workcamp.  Still same standard 6:30 time.

Keys to the Kingdom Workshop - This Friday
Over the past several months I have been teaching on various topics meant to push your teenagers into action for the Kingdom of God.  We want to move past just trying to “be a good kid” and into a place of awareness that God wants them available to be used in powerful ways.  This Friday night is a great opportunity to continue that thought process.  In the simplest of terms, we are going to have a mini-retreat at the building.  There is a group of 12 high school students from TN, who in my opinion, have been doing some pretty powerful stuff to advance the kingdom of God locally and globally.  They have developed a workshop called “Keys to the Kingdom” that is designed to help youth groups identify their spiritual gifts and also show them what it looks like when teenagers step out of their comfortable little worlds and into what God is calling us to be.  I have known each of these students over the past 6 years and I promise you your teen will benefit from hearing from them and simply being around them.  Here’s the plan:  6:00pm Friday, May 30, teens arrive at the building with: 

$5 (to help cover dinner and breakfast)
Sleeping bag
Air mattress (if they have and want one).  
Change of clothes and showering items if they desire to freshen up Saturday morning.. Lets encourage them to do so.

Let me be clear…. THIS IS NOT A LOCK-IN.  Sleep will be had… granted it might be limited but there will be a bedtime/lights out.  We will wake up, have breakfast, and spend the morning hours continuing the workshop in sessions and breakout groups.  We will wrap things up at 11:00am.   

I really do hope your teen is available to be a part of this.  I promise you, they will benefit as a follower of Christ as a result of being there for those short few hours.  Let me know if I need to clear anything up surrounding this opportunity.   

Lake Day
This upcoming Saturday, May 31 we will have our first lake day.  Arrive at 1:00pm at Sunshine Pointe and girls bring chips, dessert, or some other form of snack and guys bring drinks (cans or bottles).  Hamburgers and hotdogs provided.  Pickup or go home is 7:00pm.

If you are in a situation where your teen wants to participate in the Keys to the Kingdom and lake day and that window of time in between presents you with a problem, we can work out transportation straight from one activity to the next.  They may get there at the lake a little early, but hey, its the lake.

Knoxville Workcamp

We will be heading out next Sunday and I ask that you guys will be in prayer as we travel and serve.  Parents with participants, I will be sending an email shortly with the needed details.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

I know this upcoming weekend is Memorial Day weekend and I know some of you may have small group responsibilities on Sunday night but we are going to roll out the welcome carpet Sunday night with a cook out.  If you are in town and if you don't have to be at a small group, I want to invite all UY families to the Maple Shelter at Bowers Park this Sunday evening at 6:00pm.  We want to use this gathering to welcome our new upcoming 7th graders and their families and the summer interns into the UY.  I know the excitement within is boiling over and you are already asking yourself "What can I do or bring to make this event a success?"  Well, Im so glad that is what you are thinking because here is how this is going to work.  You can click HERE and sign up to bring something.  You do not have to create an account to this site to sign up, you should just be able to click and indicate which item you can bring.  To make things easy on the hamburger meat I have provided slots to donate $5 to help cover the cost and I will just simply show up with the meat.  If you have any questions, please ask.  I hope you guys can make it as we extend our welcome to the new UY members.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Summer is upon us

I know it's hard to believe but Summer is approaching at a rapid rate.  We have a really full summer planned and I can not wait to dive in.  The most important thing at this moment is that if your teen is planning on going to IMPACT, the form and deposit is due May 4 (THAT"S THIS SUNDAY).

I wanted to take just a moment to introduce you to our summer interns.
Caleb Snider

Kristin Smith
I have known Caleb and Kristen for 8 years and Im excited for our group to get to spend the summer with them.  Caleb attends Middle Tennessee State University and Kristen attends Western Kentucky.  They are both from Lebanon, TN. They are a lot of fun and will bring great excitement to our summer happenings while being incredible examples to your teens on what it looks like to be a follower of Christ.  They will be arriving here on May 19 to get things rolling.  

Just to refresh everyone's memory, here is a quick look at the summer dates we have so far.

May 31 - Lake day
June 1-5 - Knoxville Workcamp
June 13-16 - IMPACT JR.
June 16-21 IMPACT SR.
June 22- Lake Day
June 23-27 - VBS
July 4 - Lake Day
July 6-10 - Domestic Mission to Sneedville, TN
July 19 - Lake Day
July 20-25 - CAMP at Fall Creek Falls, TN

Ive said it before and Ill say it again, summers are the heart beat of youth ministry.  It's when we get to spend the most time together and really develop relationships.  I hope your teen(s) can jump in and be a part of what we will be pursuing this summer.  Please be praying that God uses our group to impact His Kingdom.  As always, if you have any questions... please ask.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Deadlines, Camp out, and Graduation

Knoxville Workcamp - June 1-5
This Sunday is the deadline for Knoxville Workcamp.  Again, to register you click HERE and work your way through the registration process.  If you register your teen, let me know so I can keep a log of who has signed up.  If you have issues or questions through that process, also let me know.  

Applications and $25 deposit due by May 3.  See me for application.

Father/Son Campout UY and Younger
Dads with sons.... On Friday, April 18 we are going to plan on taking in some mother nature with a little camping excursion.  The plan as of now is to go to Blue Creek campground that day after work/school and return the next morning.  If you have a son or sons that are not in the youth group but are younger, they are included in this.  The location could change, but just know we will be in the outdoors somewhere in the near vicinity of Tuscaloosa playing with fire and sharp objects.  

Graduation Appreciation Night
On Wednesday, May 14 we are going to get together at 6:30 to eat and give a big congrats to our graduating Seniors.  Hope you can make plans to be there.