Friday, February 16, 2018

Just a couple of Quick items

UY Family Group (teens)
We will be meeting this Sunday evening at the home of the Crew’s at 6:00pm.  Also, if you are willing to host one of these gatherings this semester you can still sign up by clicking HERE.

Wednesday Nights
I just wanted to take a second to encourage you to encourage your teens to come on Wednesday nights if they are available.  Wednesday night gatherings are the most important time we have together as far as developing direction and going deeper.  With that being said, I am going to be putting in an exerted effort to make Wednesdays better. One element of making them better is to have everyone there!  Thanks for your help in trying to get them there!

Looking Ahead
Spring Retreat - April 20-22
VBS - June 3-7
Camp - July 8-13