Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas time + Party time = Christmas Party time!!

Alrighty, our Christmas party is rapidly approaching so here are the details.  

1. It will start at 6:00pm and end at 9:00pm this Saturday night.

2. Location: Jacob and Lindsey Young’s home at 5090 Easton Dr., Tuscaloosa, AL 35405

3. We are going to continue what we started last year and decorate the “not as naked as last year but still rather naked” UY Christmas tree.  Basically everyone needs to bring a homemade ornament. There are no real guidelines other than to make an ornament with their creativity and put their name and the year on it somewhere.  They will be judged and the winner will receive a stellar prize.

4. We are asking that everyone bring some sort of finger food with them.  Drinks and Desserts will be provided.  

5. Lastly, we will be having a variation of a gift exchange so everyone needs to bring a gift with them. NO MONEY MUST BE SPENT ON THIER GIFT!! It can either be something they already have that they dont mind giving away or something they made.  Try and attempt to make it something someone else would at least slightly want to have.  

Ok I think that covers it.  I know that’s a lot of homework for a party but it should be a good evening together.  If you have any questions at all, feel free ask. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hump day, Santa and the Beach

Wednesday Nights
UY will continue to meet at 6:30pm on Wednesday evenings through the winter quarter.  However, we will not meet on Christmas and New Year’s eve.

Christmas Party
Saturday, December 13 we will be having our Christmas party at the home of Jacob and Lindsey Young starting at 6:00pm.  Ill give you the address and a few more details next week but just wanted to throw out a reminder.

Gulf Coast Getaway

Andy has invited the Seniors to join the college group as they travel to Pensacola, FL for the 2015 Gulf Coast Getaway.  If you have a Senior and they are interested in joining us, you can click HERE for more information.