Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Couple of items

Class Schedule
There will be no Wednesday Teen classes this Wednesday, December 28 or next Wednesday January 4.  Also, remember no Bible classes this upcoming Sunday January 1.  

Ashlynn’s Trip

Ashlynn’s last day with us will be January 15.  She will be traveling shortly after that to Ecuador to work with an orphanage housing kids with disabilities for three months.  In order for her to have this opportunity she has to raise $3,000 to pay for flight and living expenses.  Im asking on her behalf (since she wont do it) to see if any of you would be in the position to help her raise this money. Any little bit will help her reach her goal.  I can assure you it will be money worth giving as I know Ashlynn will do great things there loving those kids with her kind heart.  You can make the check out to her…. Ashlynn McNeal

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Christmas Movie Night - This Saturday December 10 - 6:00pm - Youth Area
We are going to gather in the youth area to watch a Christmas movie!  Dinner is not provided so if they desire to eat, they may want to do that before.  Snacks provided.  

Kid Craze - This Sunday December 11 - 4:30-7:30 - Kid's wing
This Sunday night we are going to help serve the families of our church by watching their kids while they have a night to shop or just relax.  Last time we did this the teens did such an awesome job of entertaining the kids.  We do need several adults to be there to help with the babies and be general chaperones throughout the night.  So, really do try and view this as a serving opportunity because it really is.  The parents of this group really appreciated this night the last time they did it.  

Girls Christmas Party - Sunday, December 18th - 6:00pm - Jacobs Home

The Jacobs family is inviting the teen girls to their home for a night of Christmas celebration.   

Monday, November 28, 2016

Party Time

UY Christmas Party This Sunday, December 4 - 5:00pm - Teen Area

First off I just want to make it clear that entire families are welcome to come to the Christmas party.  The games and shenanigans will be geared towards the teens but the food and fellowship is available to everyone.  

The first thing that makes a great Christmas party fly is the food and I need your help in making the food superbly awesome!  What we are going for is a smorgasbord of your best yummies.... doesnt matter what it is.  It can be finger food, casserole, dessert or a combination of all.  The way we are going to approach this is have you sign up HERE and indicate what you will be bringing so everyone else can see what their competition is. No Walmart cookies...  violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of Santa's naughty list.  Thanks in advance with your help with this.

What your kid needs to know.

1. We are going to do an all out costume Christmas.  Just think halloween but Christmas themed.  Ill just let the creativity roll from there.  Parents, feel free to jump in on this if you aren't too cool.  Best dressed will be remembered as a hero. 

2.  We will continue our annual Ornament competition.  They are to bring a homemade ornament and the most creative/funniest/all around awesome ornament maker will win a fairly stellar prize. Previous year's ornaments will be displayed on the humungous tree.

3.  No dirty santa this year... let's be honest, those are never that great. 

That about does it, I look forward to kicking off Christmas season with everyone!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Stay home and Wrapping Paper

2 Things

1- No Class this Wednesday night

2- Christmas Party - Sunday, December 4 - 6:00pm - Teen area.  
Ill check back as we get closer with more details on what they are to bring and expect.  

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Thanksgiving with your families!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

2 Quick Things

This Sunday Night - October 23
The Crews have invited all families to come to their home this Sunday night at 6:00pm to celebrate Reagan’s birthday and to just have a time for us to all be together.  Dinner will be provided and delicious. 

Trunk or Treat Festival

The Children’s ministry and UY are teaming together to coordinate this year’s Trunk or Treat Festival.  With that being said, Im going to need yall’s help to pull this thing off successfully. If you would be willing to help, let me know and I will definitely give you a job.  Also, if your family or maybe a team of families wants to do a trunk, click HERE to sign up.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

2 Things

Small Group - This Sunday, September 11 - Teen Area
Ok, well the time has come for us to fire up our Small Group rotation.  I know there was a “sign-up” but here is how I will approach it from here on out in order to know who needs to be in the communication loop when it comes to the UY small group.  If your family plans to participate in the UY small group you can indicate that by showing up Sunday night.  If you want to be a part of it but will not be available Sunday night, then simply let me know and I will include your family in the communication.  Sunday night will simply be a kick-off with us eating together and taking some time to map out the road for this semester.  We are going to do an old school pot-luck so Im going to need your help in providing some delicious foods.  Unlike old school pot-lucks there will be some form of order so we don't end up with 15 dozen deviled eggs.  You can click HERE to indicate what type of food you will be bringing.  Thank you and I look forward to being with you all.  

Slight Fall Retreat Change

As indicated in the last update, our fall retreat will still be Sept. 30-Oct 2, however the location has changed.  We will now be going to the wilderness retreat in Mentone, AL and with that change it means we can lower the price to $60.  Deadline is still September 18 and signup is accomplished by way of payment.  

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pray, Groups, Autumn Getaway and Feedback

Each year about this time I usually send out some long entry describing our direction and vision for the upcoming year as far as it pertains to our youth ministry.  The reason is because at this point each year I usually try to take some time to step back and remind myself why we do what we do as a youth ministry.  After the summer happenings have settled and your kids are back in the books, it is a natural breaking point to evaluate and assess how things are going.  My thoughts have been jumbled at times but I feel very strongly that God is calling us to the ground floor.  Ill explain what I mean by that in a second but what I'm getting at is that I have no definite path, no initiatives, no neat curriculum or 10 step program to lay out there.  Im saying that I think it is a season that we should collectively humble ourselves in diligent prayer asking God to take us where He wants us.

Last Wednesday night, the teens took some time to look at a very simple passage out of 2 Corinthians 13.  Paul is wrapping up his letter to the people in Corinth as he says:

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

Now, I know this verse is laced with typical church verbiage, so I think we might could just read through that without allowing the magnitude of what he is desiring for them to sink in.  I mean after all, this is a sentence with the words Jesus, Love, God, Grace, Fellowship, etc. all jammed in there…. Haven't we all heard some version of this sentence before over and over? Now, go back and read it again, allowing the definition of each word to wash over you as though you were hearing and understanding it for the first time…. seriously, give it a shot.

The GRACE of the Lord Jesus Christ… that’s a biggie.
The LOVE of God… um pretty incredible
The Fellowship or friendship of the HOLY SPIRIT….  Yeah

Paul is wanting these three things to be with them, to be a part of who they are, for them to be woven into the essence of their DNA. He is praying that God deliver a deeper understanding of who He is into who they are.  

So here is the question, do we want and have a desire for these things to infiltrate who we are as a faction of the body of Christ?  And maybe an even better question is, have we taken the time to genuinely ask God for it?  God is real clear that if we ask him for something that fits into His will, He will deliver.  Clearly I lack a lot of knowledge, but it seems to me that somewhere in God’s will would be a chapter or several chapters that have to do with His people drawing near to him in a deeper understanding of his grace, love, and spirit.  

Ok, so Ive rambled on and you are probably wanting me to get to the point, so here it is.  For the month of September, I am committing, and several of your teens have committed to praying for very specific things that fall in the basket of asking God to be revealed and move among us.  There has never been a strong movement or growing that has occurred that didn't begin with a group of people petitioning God to do so.  Where did the disciples head when Jesus left them?…to a room to pray.  What came next? Well, some pretty crazy powerful stuff.  

I will be texting a group of teens, those who indicated they wanted me to, throughout the month of September (Mon-Fri) something specific to pray for.  If you have any desire to be added to that list, you can let me know.  The point here is that we draw back and regather our focus.  Clarity is best delivered in the arms of Christ and I know I fall victim to getting so wrapped up into other things that I tend to lose sight of what the purpose here is.  We are to make disciples who make disciples.  May God lead us into the path where our surrender is required and His Glory is shown.  

And now, a few tidbits of info and a request.  

Small Groups
We will begin our small group season on September 11, at 6:00pm in the teen area. Ill check back next week with a few logistics and what to expect but I hope you and your family will be joining us this year!

Fall Retreat - Sept 30 - Oct 2 - $65 
This year we will be going to Camp Timberlake in Millport AL.  The cost is $65 and deadline will be September 25. 

Feedback Please!?
Some of you may remember at the beginning of the summer we handed out a “Spiritual Discipline Guide” for anyone who wanted it. I need your help in gathering some feedback on how that went.  This is something I have never done before and it would be really helpful to know a few things just to see if it is the sort of thing I may try again in the future. Below is a link to an anonymous survey….. there is no way for me to know who submits what so please just answer the questions honestly.  You aren't going to hurt my feelings and I really do want a true measurement of how it went for most everyone.  So… if you literally took the booklet home and never touched it again, please still fill the survey out.  This has no affect on your eternity.  Thank you for taking the time to do this, it really will help.  Click HERE to take the Survey

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Adios, Music City, Tiny groups of people

Goodbye Bash - This Sunday August 14, 6:00pm - Teen area
It is time to say goodbye to summer and goodbye to our interns.  We will be gathering in the teen area to eat, watch the summer video, and say goodbye.  BBQ will be provided but it would be really helpful if you as families could provide sides and other items to pull the meal together.  Click HERE to sign up for what you would be willing to bring.  

Road Trip to Nashville - August 26 - 28
This is for the Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors. The purpose of this trip is to allow the older/leaders of our group to have a time to themselves to bond and have some fun.  We will be focusing on leadership and where they fit into leading as it pertains to our group.  Hunter’s parents have graciously opened up their home for us to stay with them so housing is free.  We will be attending the Wilson County Fair while we are there which is heralded as one of the best in the country.  The plan is to leave after school on Friday and Return Sunday afternoon around 4:00pm.  Cost will be Fair admission ($8) and 3 meals.  

Small groups

The UY small group will begin the following week after Labor Day (September 11).  Here in the next couple of weeks I will be rolling out what the plan will be, but I wanted to go ahead and throw it out there so your family can be thinking about what they will want to do as far as small groups go this year.  As always, I want to encourage your family to be a part of some small group somewhere.  It doesn't have to be the “UY” small group but being a part of any group will benefit your family and our church.  So…. be in thought in where your family will land!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hang Night  - This Sunday - July 31 - 6:00pm-9:00pm
We will indeed be having a hang night this upcoming Sunday Night…. They will need $4 for dinner.

Enocity - Tuesday, August 2 - 2:00pm-5:00pm
We will be enocitizing this upcoming Thursday.  Meet at the building, pick up at the building.

We will be gathering this Wednesday, August 3 at 6:00pm for class

Girls sleepover at Sunshine pointe  - Friday - August 5th 
The girls will be having a sleepover at Sunshine pointe cabin this Friday night.  They can arrive there at 6:00pm and can bring desserts and snacks to share.  Being that there is a lake day the next day, they can just stay there until then or you can pick them up anytime that morning.  

Lake Day - Saturday - August 6th 
Last lake day begins as usual at 1:00pm and will wrap up 7:00pm.  Guys bring canned drinks and girls bring side items to go with burgers and dogs.  

Lock-in - Sunday - August 7th 
Yes that is right, it is time for me to jack up your household for a few days by keeping your kid up all night and then sending them home to recover for the next few days.  The start time has not been determined yet as I am still ironing out a few details on activities.  Just know its happening and I will drop the exact details as we approach.  

End of the Summer Goodbye Intern Party - Sunday August 14 - 6:00pm

We will be gathering together in the teen area to say goodbye to the summer and our interns. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Lake Day - This Saturday, July 16 - 1:00pm-7:00pm
It's time for another lake day but this one will be just a little different. We are going to be doing our inaugural Lake Day Aquatic games. Games start at 2:30 and dinner will be served around 5:00pm. This time girls bring canned drinks and guys bring sides or desserts. We will be having grilled chicken!

Hang night - This Sunday, July 17th - 6:00pm-9:00pm - At the building
Standard procedure here, theme is TBA. They'll need $4 for food and snacks.

Next Wednesday.
We will indeed be meeting together at 6:00pm

For those who have registered for camp, money is due at your soonest convenience...$120

Many of the staff will be going up early to camp to help get everything in line before campers arrive on Sunday. Andy Gann has agreed to drive the big bus up on Sunday with the campers but we need someone who is willing to simply ride there and back with him. You would be returning on that Sunday evening. I realize that sounds like a whole lot of fun and I'm sure you don't want to miss out on this grand opportunity to serve.... But seriously, we need someone.... The last shall be first - Jesus.

Thursday, June 30, 2016


Sunday Night Hang Night
There will be no Sunday night Hang Night this upcoming Sunday, July 3rd.

4th of July Lake Day
As has been tradition, we will be having a Lake Day at Sunshine Pointe.  1pm till After Fireworks.  Both Guys and Girls are to bring canned drinks and then Girls also bring a dessert item and guys also bring a side dish.  The Cunninghams will be providing the meat for the day so we need to really attempt to pitch in on these desserts and side items.  

Next Wednesday, July 6th
UY will not be meeting on this Wednesday night but will resume the following Wednesday.

Camp - July 24-29 - $120

Register your camper Here and deadline is Sunday, July 10. I will be gone on the 10th so if you need to pay me after, that is fine but please do make sure online registration is completed.  

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Don't forget, Food, Bacon and Bugs

There will be no Wednesday night gathering for UY this Wednesday, June 22.

Packing out the Johnson's Pantry
If all goes as planned, the Johnson's will be ready to move into their new home at the first of next week.  Some of you had a great idea for the UY family to help stock their kitchen with items that will help them get started as far as food goes.  Below is a link to a page to sign up for various items.  Of course, you are not limited to these items and can bring anything you desire but we thought this might help in dispersing the items gathered.  You'll notice on some items there is a number beside it which means we are looking to collect said amount of that item.  At this point, the plan is to simply bring the items you purchase and put them in the teen room.  I will check back on the method of delivery in which we will we give this to the Johnson's.  Thank you in advance for your help.

Click here to sign up for something... there is no need to enter an email or make an account, you should be able to sign up for something without all that hassle.

Sunday Night Hang Night - This Sunday, June 26 - Teen room - 6:00pm-9:00pm
Hand night this Sunday.  The theme will be Pajama Party.  $4

CAMP - July 24-29 - Fall Creek Falls, TN - $120
It is time to start signing up for camp and I am pumped to get this ball rolling.  Camp is for those entering the 5th grade through graduated seniors.  As usual, we will be returning to Fall Creek Falls State Park in Pikeville, TN to spend a glorious week of outdoor fun.  Cost to go is $120 and the deadline for sign-up (registration and payment) is July 10th.  You can click HERE to register your camper now!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

no meetings and pillow fights

Next Wednesday Night 
There will be no UY gathering next Wednesday, June 22.

For those who have been giving the plastic bottles with caps… Thank you.  If you have been saving them and plan on giving them at some point, July 12 is when we will need them by.  You are welcome to bring them and toss them in the stairwell leading up to the youth area at any time.

Hang Nights

There will be no Hang night this upcoming Sunday but we will resume when we return from IMPACT the following week on June 26.  Theme will be “Pajama Party” so they should come in their jammeys ready to dine on breakfast food.  $4

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Gender specific fun, tree cocoons, aquatic shenanigans and a Sombrero

First off, I’m sorry for the delay in getting adequate info out in a timely manner.  I know I dumped a bunch of stuff on your kids tonight in class and you guys have no idea what is going on.  I will attempt to never let that happen again.

Also, I want to give a quick thank you to those of you who gave for the Nicaragua Garage Sale.  I would classify it as highly successful and it would have never happened without your help! Thank you.

And... Here we go!

Girls/Guys night - Tomorrow - Thursday, June 9
Guys - The Guys will be getting together at the building to play basketball at 4:30pm. We will then load up in the bus and go eat somewhere... so money will be needed for that.  It will end at 7:00pm.

Girls- The girls will be gathering at the building to do a little baking with Hunter.  No dinner is involved, so they will want to eat before they come.  Ends at 8:30pm.

I realize if you have dual gender teens these times don't match up and may pose a problem on transportation.  Know that they are more than welcome to just simply hang out there at the building on the front or back side of their gendered activity.  Just trying to make it as difficult as possible to keep you on your toes.

Enocity (otherwise known as lethargically hanging out in hammocks) 
Friday, June 10 - 2:00pm
We will be meeting at the building at 2:00pm on Friday and going to a secret location to set up our Enocity.  By secret I mean I haven't decided where we are doing it yet.  End time is 5:30pm back at the building.  No meals involved.

Lake Day - Sunshine pointe - Saturday, June 11 - 1:00pm - 7ish
Guys bring can drinks and Girls bring chips/side dish or dessert item. 

Hang night - Sunday, June 12 - 6:00pm-9:00pm - Building
For the summer, we are going to be having hang night every Sunday night that we are not out of town on a trip.  We are also going to plan on having a theme each week. Food, attire, and activities will correlate. Soooo, this Sunday we are throwing down a fiesta.  They are to bring $4 for food, drinks, and snacks and come dressed festively fiesta like.  

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

2 things

Nicaragua Yard Sale
We are still taking any donations you may be willing to offer for our Yard Sale this upcoming Saturday, June 4. If you have anything and can offer it up by Thursday, that would stupendous.  Again, if you need me to come get your stuff, Ill be more than glad to do so.

If your child is going to IMPACT, the most important thing at this point is for you to register them with Lipscomb.  This takes the place of the paper application you may have filled out in the past.  Please, please, please click HERE and do so if you have not already.

Secondly, money is due if you haven't paid already.
Remaining Balance after Deposit
IMPACT JR - $135
IMPACT SR - $195

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Just a couple of things.

This Wednesday - May 18 - 6:00pm - Youth Room
We are going to be having a night of worship. I know a lot of you as parents have a class or something else going on but we wanted to invite anyone who would like to join us to do so.  So, feel welcome to come and worship with us if you can!

Sunday Night - 6:00pm - Bowers park - Minnie Sellers Pavilion (that’s the biggest one)
As discussed in the last update, we are getting together for a summer kick-off cook-out.  Beyond getting together to eat we will be taking a few minutes to talk about our path ahead as a UY family…. so, if your family can be there, that would be awesome.  If you are willing to sign up to bring something click HERE to do so.  Thanks!

Random Request
We are doing an activity later in the summer that requires a lot of plastic bottles..... a lot.  So, if your family consumes a lot of bottled drinks of any kind and you wouldn't mind saving them up for us, that would be super helpful.  One catch is that they need to have the cap on them.  It could be any size bottle... 2 liter, 20oz, 16oz, etc.   

Rafting Trip - May 29-31 - $50 - Deadline this Sunday. Just to clarify, we are camping but there is a bathhouse with showers.

Nicaragua Garage Sale Items needed

Impact Money Due

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Kick-off, Way down yonder, kids, free stuff and money

It is official… summer is here.  I am giddy with excitement for the opportunities this summer has for our group.  The summer months are so very important in the growth and development of a youth group and I can not wait to see what God is going to do with our time together.  Below is probably more information than you want but all very important if your teen has any desire to jump on the summer choo choo train.  

Summer Kick-off Cook-out - Sunday, May 22 - 6:00pm
Bowers park-Minnie Sellers Pavilion
We are going to get together as families to kick-off the summer and welcome interns and new 7th graders to the our group.  I really do want to see everyone attempt to be here for this. Not only will it serve as a great time to get together but I want to use this as a chance to sort of set our path for the summer and get everyone on the same page.  Burgers and Hotdogs will be provided but I need your help filling in the gaps on other things.  Click HERE to sign up to bring something.  

Chattahoochee Rafting Road Trip - May 29-31 - $50
We will be heading to Columbus, GA/Phenix City, AL to do a little white water rafting with WhiteWater Express and will be camping 2 nights at Pine Mountain Camping.  The cost is $50 and will cover the rafting, campsite and 3 meals.  Two additional meals will need to be covered on their own.  Deadline to sign up by payment will be Sunday, May 22.

Nicaragua “Garage” Sale - Saturday, June 4
In July there will be a team of teens and parents going to Nicaragua to work with the people in a village called Ojoche.  We are taking on a couple of different fund raising endeavors and need your help with one of them.  On June 4, we are going to have a “garage” sale here at the building.  We are shooting to make this a big event that not only raises a little money but gives our team a chance to work together and can also serve as an outreach opportunity.  The idea is to have a garage sale that has really good stuff and is really well done.  At this point you must be asking yourself “How can I help?”… I know you are.  Well, if your family has anything they would be willing to donate for us to sale, that would be incredible.  A great opportunity for you to clean out that garage, shed, or closet you've been meaning to get to.  If you have anything at all, please let me know and we can even come get it from your house if you would like.  Thank you in advance for your help with this.  

Vacation Bible School - June 6-9 - 9:00am-11:30pm - Kentuck Park
All those who are willing to help out and Volunteer, please let me know!

IMPACT  Online Registration and Remaining Balance is due
For those who signed up for IMPACT, you will now need to register your camper with Lipscomb online HERE by June 1.  Also, the remaining balance is due.... Just whenever it is best for you between now and IMPACT.
Remaining Balance Totals are:
IMPACT Jr. = $135.00
IMPACT Sr. = $195.00

Other Notable Dates
June 11 - Lake Day
June 17-20 - IMPACT Jr. 
June 20-25 - IMPACT Sr. 
July 4 - 4th of July Lake Day
July 5-11 - Nicaragua
July 16 - Lake Day
July 24-29 - Camp

August 6 - Lake Day

Monday, April 4, 2016

Eat, Hang, Tassels and Calendar

Just a few things to throw out there for your calendrical delight.

Girl’s night dinner - Tuesday’s at 5:30 for the month of April
Starting tomorrow, the girls will be meeting at the building together at 5:30 on Tuesdays for the next four weeks to eat dinner together in some form or fashion.  For the first one tomorrow, food is provided so no need to bring anything.

Hang Night - Saturday April 9th - 6:00pm-9:00pm - at the building

Graduation Sunday - April 17th
All UY families are invited to join us for a celebration honoring our graduates.  We will be sharing lunch together following the second service in the teen area.  

Summer Dates
So far, this is what we do know.
June 6-9 - VBS
June 11 - Lake Day
June 17-20 - IMPACT Jr. 
June 20-25 - IMPACT Sr. 
July 5-11 - Nicaragua
July 16 - Lake Day
July 24-29 - Camp

August 6 - Lake Day

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Next Wednesday March 16th
I will be out town and I know several others will be away on trips for spring break so UY will not be meeting together next Wednesday night but will resume as usual the following week.

IMPACT - March 20th Deposit Deadline!
I will still be out of town on the 20th so if you plan on waiting till then to pay you can either leave it in my box outside the main office or Rosemary Ramsey and Christi Breedlove will both be collecting those deposits on my behalf.  

IMPACT JR. - June 17th-20th
IMPACT JR. is for those students entering the 7th grade through those entering the 9th grade next school year.  The full cost is $160.  A $25 deposit is due by March 20 to reserve your teens spot.

IMPACT SR. - June 20th-25th
IMPACT SR. is for those students entering the 10th grade through those who are graduating this year.  The full cost is $220.  A $25 deposit is due by March 20 to reserve your teens spot.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ziplines, Giggles and a Mortgage payments worth of camp fun

Spring Retreat - March 4-6 - Deadline closing in!
Alrighty… the deadline to signup for the retreat is this upcoming Sunday February 21.  There is no registration process, your payment will secure their spot.  Cost is $70.

Girls Sleepover - February 26
Next Friday the girls will have a sleepover here at the building.  Kailyn Brinyark and Riley Earnest will be chaperoning and things will kick off at 6:00pm.  They will need $5 for pizza, drinks and snacks.  Wrap up time will be Saturday at 9:00am.

It’s hard to believe it, but it is time to start prepping for the summer fun.  IMPACT has sent out their deadlines and so we need to reserve our spots.  Below is the breakdown.

IMPACT JR. - June 17th-20th
IMPACT JR. is for those students entering the 7th grade through those entering the 9th grade next school year.  The full cost is $160.  A $25 deposit is due by March 20 to reserve your teens spot.

IMPACT SR. - June 20th-25th

IMPACT SR. is for those students entering the 10th grade through those who are graduating this year.  The full cost is $220.  A $25 deposit is due by March 20 to reserve your teens spot.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Flick, Wings and Climb

Movie Night - February 6th - UY Room
Pretty self explanatory, we are going to watch a movie together... 6:00pm-9:00pm

Super Bowl Party - February 7th - UY Room
We are going to go potluck style on this one and just ask everyone to bring some sort of snack or food.  Game starts at 5:30pm so come whenever your heart desires.  This is a family event... all are invited.  

Spring Retreat - March 4-6

Deadline for payment is February 21st ($70).  Along with payment you will need to print off and sign the permission agreement that is required by Camp Butter and Egg for your teen to participate in the activities.  You can get that form HERE.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

One Thing

Spring Retreat - March 4-6

This year we will be headed to "Camp Butter and Egg" near Troy, AL to participate in their programming.  It will be a combination of high and low element ropes courses and zip lining. The cost for the weekend will be $70.  Deadline to sign-up/pay will be February 21st.