Thursday, August 29, 2019

Retreat and Reminders

Fall Retreat - Oct 11-13
The Fall Retreat this year will be in Huntsville, AL at Vision Ministry Retreat.  Cost of the retreat will be $65.  Deadline to sign-up will be September 29. 
Sign-up registration HERE
Pay Online $65 (select UY in "fund" drop down menu) HERE

Wednesday Gatherings
The time we have together on Wednesday evenings is, in my opinion, the most productive, valuable and consistent chance we have to grow spiritually and relationally as a group.  I say that to say I really do hope your teen(s) can make Wednesdays together a part of their weekly rhythm.  We will kick the semester off this upcoming Wednesday, September 4, in the teen area at 6:00pm.

Family Group
Im really excited about how things are shaping up for UY Family Group.  If you didn’t have a chance to sign-up on Sunday and wanted to, just let me know and we will get you in on the communication loop.  Our First Family group will be Sunday, September 8.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Groups, Gathering and Grub

Family Groups
Group Link is this upcoming Sunday.  I just want to take a second to really encourage you to be a part of a family group somewhere.  This is such a vital part of growing the strength of your personal journey as well as strengthening our Church as a whole.  I won’t go on and on about it, but I will challenge you to put some serious thought into being a part of a group if you haven’t in the past.  

With that being said, this is how Family Groups are structured within UY.
  • UY will have a Family Group that is made up of two components (sort of like 2 groups in one).  One side of it will be made up of teens, led by myself and one side of it will be made of parents, led by Andy and Glisa Boykin.  Twice a month we will gather together as one… entire families, to share a meal together in someone’s home and the other weeks we will gather separately, all at the building, to have a time of discussion.  
  • Once the group is solidified a semester schedule will be put together so everyone knows what is happening each week and where we will be.
  • If you have been in a different family group in the past and want to stay in that family group, then please do that! Again, the most important thing is that everyone finds a group to be a part of. 
  • Family Groups begin Sunday, September 8.
  • There will be tables available on Sunday to sign up.
Wednesday Nights Moving Forward
September 4 will mark the beginning of our Wednesday night gatherings for the semester.  This upcoming Wednesday night will be our last Family Meal of the summer.  Click HERE to sign up for that.  Pay online or at the door. 

Saturday, August 10, 2019


Sunday Morning Class this week
All adult classes will be meeting together during Bible Class time this upcoming Sunday but the teens will meet as normal for their class in the teen room.

Sunday nights moving forward
We will not be meeting on Sunday nights for the remainder of August.  Stay tuned for details on Family Groups moving forward as they will fire up in September.

Wednesday nights moving forward
Teens will resume their Wednesday night gatherings starting in September as the fall semester begins.