Monday, January 13, 2014

Worship, Movie, Fun day, Date Night, Media Mania

Wednesday Night - 6:30pm - Teen Room
Let me reiterate what it is we are doing on Wednesday nights. Everyone is invited.  We want this to be a time where you feel welcome to bring people with you.  This Wednesday in particular, I think, will be a good opportunity to invite someone.  Take some time before you come to pray about drawing near to God during this time of worship and reflection.   

Old School Movie night - This Saturday - 6:30pm-9:00pm
This upcoming Saturday night the teens are invited to the building for a movie.  We’re gonna bust out the VHS player and watch a throwback from the 80’s.  Drop them off at 6:30pm, pick them up at 9:00pm. Dinner not provided but popcorn and drinks will be.  

Monday Fun day - Next Monday
Next Monday when everyone is out of school we are going to take a little road trip to Birmingham to just hang out and have some fun. Here’s the game plan:

Have them bring their own sack lunch, Ill have drinks.
We will leave at 10:30am from the building 
We'll go to Veterans park in Birmingham, eat our lunches and play games.
Then head over to Treetop Adventures (go-karts, laser tag, putt-putt etc)
Here’s group pricing on that - Click here for pricing
Be back at the building by 4:30

Date night - Saturday January 25
Ok let me be clear, this is not a youth event, it is for you the parents.  I want to provide you guys with an opportunity/excuse to have a night to go on a date.  Obviously I don't know the first thing about being married but it just seems like common sense to have some time where you just hang out with the person you are married to… no kids.  Now I realize some of you don't need me to designate a night for you to be able to pull that off but in some circumstances it might be helpful to have a place where you can take your kids, leave them for a few hours, and go eat dinner together and hang out.  So, on Saturday January 25, simply come by the church building, release your children there at 5:00pm and go spend time together.  We’ll say 9:00pm is the wrap-up time.  If you have kids that are not in the youth group, that is totally fine.  Ill be inviting the bridge kids to join us and Im going to use the evening with the teens as an opportunity to let them serve and reach out to those who are younger.  So, all youngsters are welcome.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Media Mania Workshop - Saturday, February 8, 1:00pm-3:00pm
This is designed to open up conversation, provide you with resources, and heighten the importance of your emphasis as a parent to navigate the world of media your teens are exposed to daily. In the past couple of years things have changed and have changed fast, in particular in the social media arena. I think it would be wise for us to examine what that means for the development of your children.  Ill provide you with more detailed information as we get a little closer but I wanted to go ahead and throw that date out there so you can make plans to be a part of it.  I realize a couple of hours on a Saturday is asking a lot but I feel very strong that this is not only something that will be helpful but something that is deeply needed.  

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