Super Bowl Party - February 2
We will again gather this year to enjoy food and the last bit of football for the season. This is a family event and we are just asking everyone to bring some sort of finger food or dessert to share. Kick-off is at 5:30 and we will be in the teen area.
Spring Retreat - March 27-29 - $75
We will be traveling to Woodland Christian Camp and Retreat Center in Temple, GA to spend the weekend growing together and growing our relationship with Jesus. Deadline to register will be March 15. You can register and pay below!
Register your teen HERE
Pay $75 HERE (be sure to select UY in the drop down menu)
Foster Parent's Night Out - March 6
Our church family is up to host the Foster Parent's night out for the month of March. We are asking anyone who is willing to come serve the Foster parent community by providing child care for them to have a night out!