Wednesday Night this week
The church as a whole will not be gathering at the building this week. Have a great time with your families and use this as an opportunity to invite your neighbors to our “Bring-A-Friend” Sunday this upcoming week!
Foster Family Night - Friday, Nov 2 - 6:00pm-9:00pm
Each month a different church or organization in town hosts a night for Foster families to drop their foster children off so they can have a night off. Our church is hosting for November and we will be doing it this Friday night. We have sent out a call for help to family groups but to be honest, we are a little worried about having enough help for the night. If you, your teen, or any breathing human you know can be there Friday to help oversee the evening, we would really really appreciate it.
Family Group this Sunday, November 4
We will be gathering at the Breedlove’s home at 6:00pm. Their address is: 12024 Plum Drive, Northport, AL
Simple chance to serve
On Wednesday, Nov 14 our church will be serving thanksgiving dinner to the West Circle community. If you would be willing to prepare a side dish for that event, click Here. You don't have to be present at the event, we are just in need of people to simply prepare a side dish!!
Christmas Party
I know it’s a ways off but I wanted to go ahead and throw the date out there. Sunday December 9 will be our UY Christmas Party. This is an event for UY and families.