Thursday, December 6, 2018

Reminders and Gatherings

Christmas Party this Sunday - Dec 9 - 6:00pm - Teen Room
If you are willing to bring some food, click HERE so we can plan effectively.... pretty please.

Wednesday Nights
Dec 12 - Regular UY Gathering
Dec 19 - "Behold"
Dec 26 - Not Meeting
Jan 2 - Not Meeting
Jan 9 - Resume Regular UY Gathering

Leadership Retreat - Jan 18-21 - Wedowee, AL $50
Sign-up HERE

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Gather, Give, Santa, Lead

Family Group This Week
This will be our final family group gathering for the semester and we will be meeting at the Geddie home.  Their address is: 16659 Sunshine pointe, Northport 35475. 

Foster Kid Christmas
Just an FYI that UY is taking on 2 of the Foster Kids for Christmas.  I have been encouraging them to find a way to give towards this in a sacrificial way.  This is not meant for them to come ask you for money but rather for those who can, use the money they get via job/allowance/chores to practice the discipline of giving.  So far they are doing a fantastic job and we are well on our way to our goal.  Just wanted to let you guys know in case you wanted to use this as a teaching opportunity!

Christmas Party - December 9 - 6:00pm
As mentioned before, this is an event for UY and families.  We will gather in the teen room at 6 on Sunday, Dec 9 to partake in Christmas festivities.  As is tradition, there will be a homemade ornament competition with the winner receiving a prize.  This is always just a great event to get together and have some fun.  We all know a good Christmas party doesn’t exist without great food… that’s where I need your help. If you can help bring an award winning edible item click HERE to sign up.  If its not award winning, that’s ok too.

Leadership Retreat - 10th-12th grade - January 18-21 (Fri-Mon -MLK weekend) - Wedowee, AL/$50
The Leadership retreat has a few different objectives:
1. To spend time working on the idea and characteristics of leadership and what that looks like for them to use the gifts God has given them to serve in leadership. 
2. To spend time in worship and study just trying to provide opportunity for spiritual growth.
3. It's a time where they get to help roadmap the direction of our group through developing vision and planning events/activities around that vision.
4. It provides a time for the older ones to be with just the older ones and feel a little more mature and special.

This retreat in the past really has been a pivotal place for not only the older ones in our group over the years but also the group as a whole solidifying direction and empowering strong leadership within our group.  I hope if you have a teen in this age range that it will work our for them to join us.  Deadline to sign up will be Jan 6. You can very easily sign them up by clicking HERE.  Payment of $50 can be given to me (checks to UCC) or Click HERE to pay online!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

This Wednesday - November 14!!
So, things have shifted a tad on the plans for serving thanksgiving dinner in West Circle.  Since the weather is predicting to be rainy and very cold, having a dinner outside with everyone doesn’t seem logical.  They are planning to give out to-go boxes at the community center.  Since the size of that place is small and the need of our people to be there is less, the teens are going to meet tomorrow at 6:00pm at the building.  I realize since there aren’t other classes this may present a hassle for some of you so let me just say… for those who can, we are going to meet.  I feel like with missing so many Wednesdays in a row, I hate to just cancel everything all together and want to grab a chance to be together.  

Hang night - Saturday Nov. 17 - 6:00pm-8:00pm
Hang night this Saturday… food provided. 

Christmas Party - December 9th

Leadership Retreat (10th12th)— Jan. 18-21

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Wednesday nights this month
The teens gathering together on Wedneday nights for November is a bit wonky for various reasons… 

Nov. 7 - Family Worship Night
Nov. 14 - Serving Brown House Thanksgiving meal at West Circle
Nov. 21 - No classes the day before Thanksgiving

We will resume regularly scheduled gatherings on Nov. 28!

Family Group
We will not be meeting this week for family group but will pick back up at the Narimore home on Nov. 18.

Hang Night - November 17 - 6:00-8:00pm 
We are going to get together to do some fun things and eat dinner.  Food provided.

Christmas Party - December 9

Leadership Retreat (10th-12th Grade) - January 18-21

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Snippets of info

Wednesday Night this week
The church as a whole will not be gathering at the building this week.  Have a great time with your families and use this as an opportunity to invite your neighbors to our “Bring-A-Friend” Sunday this upcoming week!

Foster Family Night - Friday, Nov 2 - 6:00pm-9:00pm
Each month a different church or organization in town hosts a night for Foster families to drop their foster children off so they can have a night off.  Our church is hosting for November and we will be doing it this Friday night.  We have sent out a call for help to family groups but to be honest, we are a little worried about having enough help for the night.  If you, your teen, or any breathing human you know can be there Friday to help oversee the evening, we would really really appreciate it.

Family Group this Sunday, November 4
We will be gathering at the Breedlove’s home at 6:00pm.  Their address is: 12024 Plum Drive, Northport, AL 

Simple chance to serve
On Wednesday, Nov 14 our church will be serving thanksgiving dinner to the West Circle community. If you would be willing to prepare a side dish for that event, click Here.  You don't have to be present at the event, we are just in need of people to simply prepare a side dish!!

Christmas Party
I know it’s a ways off but I wanted to go ahead and throw the date out there.  Sunday December 9 will be our UY Christmas Party.  This is an event for UY and families.  

Friday, October 12, 2018

Groups, Girls and Goblins

Family Group
UY family group will not meet this Sunday coming off the retreat.  Oversight on my part on the last blog entry.  We will resume next week meeting at the Boykin’s home.  

UY Girls Night - October 19 - 6:00-8:30pm
Kristin and Hunter have invited the girls to their home for a girls night.  Food and pumpkins for pumpkin carving will be provided.  They will probably be outside a lot so if its a little cold, they will need to dress accordingly.  

Their address is:
2415 4th Avenue East
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

Trunk or Treat Festival - Sunday, Oct 28
We are 2 weeks away from Trunk or Treat Festival and still in need of some help.  If you can help before, during, or after click HERE to sign up.  If your family or groups of families want to have a trunk, click HERE.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Groups, Get-a-way and Candy

Family Group
Family group for the teens is one of those things that has evolved over the years in an attempt to get as many people as possible to be able to participate.  Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an exact formula that makes it easy for everyone and I realize that for a portion of you, this poses issues of being in a separate family group yourself and also allowing your teen to be a part of UY family group. Soooo, Im not about to hit you with some grand solution but I did want to lay out where we have landed for this year and invite you to jump in where you want or can.  

  • 1st and 3rd Sundays will be held in someone’s home where we will share a meal together and simply hang out starting at 6:00pm.  All teens and all parents are welcome to come. The Boykin family group will coordinate the meal for this.  If you aren’t in that family group and want to pitch in on some level for the meal, let me know and we can get you in the loop.

  • 2nd and 4th Sundays will be a discussion night at the building. No meal provided and will start at 6:00pm and last for about an hour.  If you need to drop your kid off earlier and pick them up later because you as parents are going to a family group, I will be at the building by 5:30 and will stay as late as needed. The Boykin family group will also meet at the building at the same time.

In summary: Our Family group situation isn’t perfect… jump in where you can or want to… Celebrate the times we do have together!

October Schedule 
Oct 7 - Sodergren Home -  Their address is 1665 Hilltop Lane, Cottondale, AL 35453… They said most GPS apps wont take you there but click HERE and you should be good to go.  They also mentioned that their pool will be open so if the kids want to swim, come prepared to do so.  

Oct 14 -Not meeting (after the retreat)
Oct 21 - Meal at the Boykin’s 
Oct 28 - Trunk or Treat Festival

Sorry for the lengthy explanation but it had to be done.  

Please begin praying for our retreat next weekend.  Pray that God use the time we have together to draw us closer to Him and grow in an understanding of His love for us.  If you have a teen going… Ill be sending an email shortly with the details you’ll need.

Trunk or Treat Festival
It’s that time of year again and we are anticipate this year’s Trunk or Treat Festival to be the biggest yet!  If your family wants to decorate a trunk click HERE.  If you can help in any way before, during, or after the event, click HERE.  

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

2 items

Family Group this week
This Sunday night UY family group will be gathering in the Geddie home.  Their address is 16659 Sunshine Pointe, Northport, AL.  Parents, you are more than welcome to stay and hang out with us if you desire.  There will be food... no money needed!

Fall Retreat - October 12-14 - $65

We will be traveling to Huntsville, AL to “The Vision Retreat” for our fall retreat! Deadline to sign up will be September 30 and sign up is achieved by way of payment.  You can click HERE to pay online or a check made to UCC will suffice as well.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Family Group

Just wanted to take a minute to explain how the UY family group will operate this year.  

-UY Family Group will begin Sunday, August 26 (We will NOT be meeting Tomorrow, August 19)

-We will meet from 6:00pm-7:00pm.

-We will meet in the Youth Room on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each Month

-I would love to meet in homes the 1st and 3rd weeks of each month… Here’s where I need your help.  If you’d be willing to host a UY family group night, click HERE and sign up to do so! The website I've used here makes you enter a phone number and email.... feel free to put fake info, I dont need this info.  

-Whether your teen chooses to be a part of UY family group or goes to Family Group with your family…. We just want everyone to be a part of a family group somewhere!

That about does it... hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

2 snippets

Wednesday Nights Moving Forward
UY wont be gathering tomorrow night August 8, but will resume meeting together throughout the school year starting Wednesday, August 15. 

Goodbye Summer… Goodbye Interns Party - Sunday, August 12 - 6:00pm
All UY families are invited to join us this Sunday Night in the Youth area to reminisce on the events of the summer as we share a meal and watch our summer video.  We are going to just go Potluck with this one, so if you don’t mind, click HERE to sign up to bring something.  Not required, but if you feel the desire to get the interns a small gift… Im sure they would appreciate it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Wrapping it up!

Abide #5 -Thursday, August 2 - 6:00pm - Calvary Baptist Church 
We will be gathering for our final Abide for the summer and as indicated above we will be at Calvary Baptist for this one (located in their annex building across from their church building.

Lake Day - Saturday, August 4 - 1:00pm-7:00pm - Sunshine Pointe
Ok, It’s the last lake day so let’s rally the troops as far as food goes.  We will be having grilled chicken and guys bring a side dish to go with that, girls bring a dessert item.  Everyone pitch in with can or bottled drinks!

Lock-In - Sunday, August 5 - 9:00pm-7:00am…ish
Starts at 9:00pm and if you will be picking up your teen, just come whenever is convenient for you.  They’ll only need to bring a snack to share with the group and sleeping bag/pillow is optional.  

Summer/Intern Farewell Bash - Sunday, August 12 - 6:00pm - Youth Area

We will be saying goodbye to our interns and reminiscing on the summer together.  This is an event for the entire family and Ill send something out next week about signing up to bring some food.  I hope your family will be available to join us.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Just a few dates looking ahead!

Abide #4 
Thursday, July 19 - 6:00pm - Youth Area

There will be no hang night this upcoming Sunday

Girls Sleepover 
July 30 - Location coming soon

Abide #5 
Thursday, August 2 - 6:00pm - Calvary Baptist (annex building)

Lake Day 
Saturday, August 4 - 1:00pm-7:00pm

Sunday August 5

End of the Summer/Intern going away party - Sunday, August 12

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Half way over but so much to come!

Abide #3 - Thursday, July 5 - 6:00pm - Youth Area
We will be gathering to have some time of worship this Thursday night!

Just a reminder for those who have kids going to camp… We will be loading the bus during class time and departing around 10:45am on Sunday.  Bring a dessert item!

Lake Day - Sunday, July 15
Ill go ahead and get this out there since information will cease during our time at Camp.  Lake day will be on a Sunday afternoon this time around and we will start around 1:30pm and wrap things up around 7:00pm.  Everyone please bring can drinks or waters (please please… we ran out last time) and guys bring a dessert item and girls bring a side dish for burgers.  

Mystery Road Trip Deadline (those entering 9th-graduated)

The deadline is this Sunday.  Sign your kid up HERE and pay online HERE or checks made to UCC will also suffice.  

Monday, June 25, 2018

summer weekly update!

For those of you who have a camper going… you will be receiving a separate email within the next couple of days with all the great details you’ll need to know!

Jr. High Retreat postponed..
On previous dates I sent out there was a Jr. high retreat set for this Friday night.  We are going to need to postpone that to a more convenient time that will work better for everyone.  Sorry for the switcharoo and Ill let you know when we decide on a better date. 

Hang Night - Sunday, July 1 - 6:00pm-8:00pm
We will continue our Sunday night hang night’s this upcoming week!

(new info) Mystery Road Trip - 9th-12th grade - July 22-26 - $165

In the previous post I did not include an online sign up but have decided it would probably be best in order to expedite the knowledge of who is planning on going.  So click HERE and simply enter the name of your teen if they plan to go and you can pay online HERE or get me a check made to UCC at your convenience

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Family Worship Night - Tomorrow - Wednesday, June 20 - 6:00pm 
We will be gathering as a church family in the main auditorium for worship and a message from guest speaker Don McLaughlin.

Enocity #2 (or 1.1 since the last one got rained on) - 2:00-5:00pm
We will meet at the church and go to a nearby park… then return by 5

Hang Night - This Sunday - June 24 - 6-8pm - $3

Mystery Road Trip - July 22-26 - 9th-12th grade 

We will go ahead and begin sign ups for this trip. The cost will be $165… I know that seems like a lot.  For those of you who have been around for a while, just think of how much cheaper it is than IMPACT!!Plus, we are going to be experiencing a lot of really awesome things while we are road tripping! Deadline to sign up is July 8.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Tubing, Final reminder and Hotdogs

Lake Day - Saturday, June 16 - Sunshine Pointe - 1:00pm-7:00pm
Just a reminder about lake day this Saturday. Everyone bring can drinks or waters... Guys bring a side item to go with burgers and girls bring dessert items.  

This will be the last reminder about registering your teen for camp.  Register your camper online HERE.  The cost is $125 and can be paid online HERE or checks made to UCC are accepted as well. 

Hang Night - This Sunday - 6:00pm-8:00pm
It will be a baseball themed event so if they want to dress in baseball attire (Ill let them interpret what that means) then it is definitely encouraged.  Bring $3 to help cover food!

Thursday, June 7, 2018

pizza, trees, deviled eggs, sing, splash and DEADLINE!

Well the summer is rolling along as we wrap up AMPED and I just want to say what a fantastic job your kids are doing in serving each night.  I am continually impressed with the way they don’t just see this as them helping out but really embrace it as an opportunity to serve and invest in these younger kids.  They really are doing great!!

As we move forward Ill be giving a little more of an explanation on things than I usually do in order to make sure those new to our group know what in the world Im talking about.  I want to ask that you guys be in prayer over this summer.  Pray God use every opportunity we have to get together to be a space for growth.  Growth in relationship with each other and growth in communion with Him. Here we go!!!

Hang Night - This Sunday, June 10 -6:00pm-8:00pm - $3
We will just simply gather at the building to hang out with each other and play games.  The $3 is to help cover the cost of dinner. This will be happening most every Sunday night through out the summer.

Enocity #1 - Monday, June 11 - 2:00pm-5:00pm
The request for Enocity to return this summer has been granted.  We will meet at the building then load up on the bus to go to the park where we just hang out in our Enos.  If your kid doesn’t have an Eno or hammock… that is ok, Ill have extras. We will return back to the building by 5:00pm for pick-up.   

Softball Game and Potluck - Wednesday, June 13 - 6:00pm
This is more of a church wide event but just wanted to drop a reminder that it is happening.  If you want to participate in the game (for those age 16 and up) you can sign up HERE.  If you want to help out in bringing something to the potluck side of things you can sign up HERE.

Abide #2 - Thursday, June 14 - 6:00pm - Calvary Baptist Church
The Youth minister at Calvary Baptist has invited us to their place for our second Abide.  Jake will be leading worship there and Im excited to see what we’ve been doing here grow into more of a city wide thing.  

Lake Day - Saturday, June 16 - Sunshine Pointe - 1:00pm-7:00pm
Our first lake day is next Saturday! Everyone bring can drinks or waters and guys bring a side item to go with burgers and girls bring dessert items.  Parents and families are welcome to come hang out if you desire.  

CAMP DEADLINE!!! - Sunday, June 17
Camp is July 8-13 and the deadline for registration is bolting towards us next Sunday.  Register your camper online HERE.  The cost is $125 and can be paid online HERE or checks made to UCC can be placed in my palm or box. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Its summer time and everything is great....


Summer Kick-Off Cook-out - Sunday, May 27 - 6:00pm - Sunshine Pointe
The interns are here! New 7th graders and their Families will be here! The Summer is Here! Therefore we must gather and welcome these things into our lives and celebrate.  Burgers and Hot dogs will be provided but we do need you guys to pitch in to bring some other things.  You can click HERE to sign-up for something!

ABIDE #1 - May 31 - 6:00pm - Youth Area

Camp - July 8-13 - $125
If you want to get a jump on things… You can register your camper HERE.  Deadline for Registration will be June 17.

Mystery Road Trip - July 22-26 - Price still in review
This is for those in grades 9-12. This is something Ive been wanting to do for many years and we are going to make it happen this year! It’s exactly what you think it is… we are going on a road trip and they wont know where we are headed.  The trip will be designed in a way to stretch us spiritually as well as to have a ton of fun. We will be going places and doing things that everyone will love so they dont have to worry about it being something they might not be into.... like camping.  More info to come, but I just wanted to get it on your brain.  

May 27 - Summer Kick-off Cookout at Sunshine Pointe
May 31 - Abide #1
June 3 - BMX Outreach Event
June 4-7 - Amped
June 14 - Abide #2
June 16 - Lake Day
July 4 - Abide #3
July 8-13 - Camp
July 15 - Lake Day
July 19 - Abide #4
July 22-26 - Mystery Road Trip
July 29-30 - Jr. High Retreat
August 2 - Abide #5

August 4 - Lake Day

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tassels, Break, Hamburgers and Bikes

Graduation Sunday - This Sunday, May 6
This upcoming Sunday will be Graduation Sunday.  All UY families are invited to join us for a lunch following 2nd service in the youth area to honor our graduating Seniors.  

UY Family Group (teens)
We will meeting at the building at 6:00pm this Sunday for a time of discussion.

Wednesday Nights this Summer
May 9th will be our last Wednesday night gathering as we take a break for the summer.  After May 9th we will not be meeting regularly on Wednesday night but we will be supplementing 5 nights of worship (ABIDE) through out the Summer.  Those dates will be set in the upcoming week.

Summer Kick-Off Cook-Out - May 27
All UY families are invited to join us at Sunshine Pointe at 5:00pm, Sunday May 27 to kick-off our summer welcoming the interns and the new 7th graders and their families into the group.  We have quite a few brand new families joining us this go around so come help welcome them into the UY army with their new youth groupers.  

BMX Exhibition/Amped - June 3-7

The term “VBS” has been laid to rest along side “booster booster be a booster” and moving forward this week will lovingly be known as AMPED.  AMPED will be June 4-7 from 6:00pm-8:00pm each evening with an option to eat together at 5:00pm.  In an effort to righteously kick off the week and draw in members of the community there will be a BMX exhibition on Sunday, June 3 at 5:00pm…. This ties into the theme of AMPED.   We are planning to make this as big of an event as we can and are really trying to get the word out to the community.  I tell you all of this because we are going to need your help in order to pull off this really great outreach opportunity.  You can click HERE to check out the different areas you might be willing to serve at AMPED as well as an option to help with the Outcast BMX Event. 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Windex, circle, bus ride, the Ham, ball to the face

Cleaning Party - This Saturday, April 11 - 4:00pm
That’s right, we are going to make a party out of cleaning the youth area.  It’s in need of some deep cleaning so I thought who better to clean it than the ones who messed it up… your sweet children! Dinner will be provided and I actually do anticipate this being fun! Or look at it as a service opportunity, however they need to spin it in their minds is fine with me.  

Family Group (Teens)
UY Family Group will be gathering this Sunday evening at the Boykin house at 6:00pm. Their address is:
707 30th Ave.
Northport, AL 35476

Retreat Info (You can skip this one if your teen is going!)
This is only for those who have kids attending the retreat but in order to cut down on emails you receive, Im just throwing this info in this blog post.

We will be leaving the Church building at 4:30pm on Friday, April 20 and returning by 11:00am on Sunday, April 22.  The idea is to be back in time for second service.  

What they will need to bring:
Money for 2 fast food meals
Toiletries (Shampoo, soap, deo, etc…)
Sleeping bag or bedding for bunk bed
Active clothes for our Saturday activities and weather appropriate clothing the rest of the time

Im really glad your teen has decided to join us for this and I anticipate God teaching us some great things with our time together.  Please be praying for the weekend and that He will make himself evident to us!

OUTCRY - Monday, April 23 (This is for Juniors and Seniors)

OUTCRY is a one night event in Birmingham.  Its like a conference crammed into one night.  The tickets I have are limited so that’s why the grade limitation.  We will leave the building at 5:00pm and it might be a little late when we get back.  I know it being a school night might be an issue for some but this really should be a great night of worship together.
Click Here if you want to check out the website.  If your Junior or Senior wants to go, the 
ticket is $20

Dodgeball Tournament - Sunday April 29 - 4:00pm-8:00pm

We will be having a Dodgeball tournament to help raise money for our Nicaragua Mission Trip this summer.  The Cost is $30 for a team of 6.  This is for anyone who wants to put a team together. I dont really anticipate you guys as parents putting a team together (feel free to prove me wrong) Im more or less letting you guys know so maybe you can help us spread the word.  Anyone is welcome.  They can register their team and even pay online HERE.

Dates looking ahead
May 6 - Graduation Sunday
May 27 - Summer Kick-off Cookout at Sunshine Pointe
June 3 - BMX Outreach Event
June 4-7 - Amped (formerly known as VBS)
June 16 - Lake Day
July 8-13 - Camp
July 15 - Lake Day
July 22-27 - Mystery Trip.... Its a mystery because I havent been able to nail it down just yet!
August 4 - Lake Day