Saturday, May 27, 2017

Sneedvile Sign up and other stuff

Sneedville Mission - June 18-22 - $100
As previously mentioned those going into 9th-12th grade will be traveling to Sneedville, TN to work with the community there.  While there we will be conducting a day camp for the kids as well as working on several water projects providing people with clean water who currently don't have it.  We will leave on that Sunday, June 18 and return Thursday, June 22 in the afternoon.  Money helps to cover lodging, food, and supplies for the camp and water projects.  If your teen is going, you can sign them up HERE and turn in the money at your convenience.  

VBS - June 5-8
Deadline to sign up to volunteer (at least if they want a free T-shirt) is this Sunday June 27.  Click HERE to sign up.

Abide - June 30 - 6:00pm - Teen Room
Our first Abide night of worship will be this upcoming Tuesday.  

Lake Day - June 3 - 2:00pm-7:00pm - Sunshine Pointe
We play at the lake.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Burgers, Booster Booster, Gather, Reflect

Kick-off Cook-out this Sunday - 6:30pm
It is officially time to kick the summer off.  This Sunday at 6:30pm we will gather at Bowers park (Minnie Sellers Pavilion).  Come join us and meet the interns and welcome the new 7th graders to the group.  Click HERE to sign up to bring something.  

VBS June 5-8
If you are willing to help with VBS in any way register HERE as a volunteer.  Also, if your teen is planning to be there for the week encourage them to register as well so we make sure to get them a shirt!

Wednesday Nights
We WILL be meeting this Wednesday night May 17 but remember that starting next week there will be NO Wednesday night gatherings for the teens during the summer months

Abide-A Night of Worship and Reflection
Our first Abide will be 6:00pm Tuesday, May 30.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Summer - Ready, Set... GO!

Kidcraze - This Sunday - 4:30pm-7:00pm - The Building
This Sunday the children’s ministry is providing the parents a night out to themselves with a chance to drop their kids off at the building.  The teens will be helping to entertain the Kids for this but we are in need of a few adults who would be willing to be there as well.  Let me know if this is a way you would be willing to serve. Dinner provided.

Our Summer interns will be arriving in town on May 20th to spend the next couple of months helping make our summer stupendous.  The girl intern is Ashlynn McNeal.... most of you probably know Ashlynn as she was here for a couple of months this winter helping out.  Ashlynn is from Lebanon, TN and will do an outstanding job working with our girls.  The guy intern is Cody Price.  Cody is from Cincinnati, Ohio and is a student at Lee University in Cleveland, TN.  So glad Cody will be with us this summer and look forward to everyone getting to know him.  

Summer Kick-off Cookout - May 21 - 6:30pm - Bowers Park
Sunday evening May 21 we will be having a Kick-off Cookout to welcome Interns, new additions to the youth group and officially kick-off our summer.  Sign-ups to bring stuff coming soon.

Wednesday Nights this summer
Starting May 24 the teens will not meet on Wednesday nights during the summer months. Two reasons for this.  1) When you factor in VBS, Trips, and family fun nights there aren't many Wednesday nights that would end up happening anyway.  2) By doing so, it will allow us to pour energy and resources into starting something new…. see below.

Abide - A night of worship and reflection
Sprinkled through out the summer we will gathering for something we are simply calling "Abide".  This will take place five different times across the summer weeks.  This will simply be an evening of worship and reflection focused on what it means to Abide in Christ.  Dates of these nights are listed below in upcoming dates.  

Vacation Bible School - June 5-8
VBS will look a little different this year and I believe will be super awesome.  It will be taking place at the building and will be in the evenings from 6:00pm-8:00pm.  If any of you would be interested in helping in any way click HERE to register as a volunteer and indicate in what way you can help.  

Summer Dates (those we know of for now)
May 21 - Summer Kick-off Cookout
May 30 - Abide
June 3 - Lake Day
June 5-8 - VBS
June 12 - Abide
June 15-16 - 7th and 8th grade retreat
June 18-22 - Sneedville Mission
June 24 - Lake Day
July 10 - Abide
July 16-21 - Camp
July 27 - Abide
July.29 - Lake Day

August 3 - Abide