Graduation Sunday - April 30
All those in the UY and their families are invited to a lunch in the youth room following class to celebrate our graduating seniors. If your family plans to attend that please click HERE before April 23 to indicate your participation and number of family members attending.
Summer Kick-Off-Cook-out - May 21
As we have in the past, we will gather to kick off the summer and welcome new members to the youth group as well as interns.
Lake Day - June 3
Vacation Bible School - June 5-8
VBS will look a little different this year as we will be moving it to the building and having it at night. The teens will play a large roll in making this special and fun and it should be an overall great week for our church as a whole.
Sneedville Mission - June 18-22
This trip will be for those going into 9th - Graduated Seniors. We will spend the week partnering with run4water fulfilling needs in that community as well as administering a daily camp for the children there.
Lake Day - June 24
Camp - July 16-21 - Fall Creek Falls, TN
For those going into 5th Grade - Graduated Seniors
Lake Day - July 29