Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hang Night  - This Sunday - July 31 - 6:00pm-9:00pm
We will indeed be having a hang night this upcoming Sunday Night…. They will need $4 for dinner.

Enocity - Tuesday, August 2 - 2:00pm-5:00pm
We will be enocitizing this upcoming Thursday.  Meet at the building, pick up at the building.

We will be gathering this Wednesday, August 3 at 6:00pm for class

Girls sleepover at Sunshine pointe  - Friday - August 5th 
The girls will be having a sleepover at Sunshine pointe cabin this Friday night.  They can arrive there at 6:00pm and can bring desserts and snacks to share.  Being that there is a lake day the next day, they can just stay there until then or you can pick them up anytime that morning.  

Lake Day - Saturday - August 6th 
Last lake day begins as usual at 1:00pm and will wrap up 7:00pm.  Guys bring canned drinks and girls bring side items to go with burgers and dogs.  

Lock-in - Sunday - August 7th 
Yes that is right, it is time for me to jack up your household for a few days by keeping your kid up all night and then sending them home to recover for the next few days.  The start time has not been determined yet as I am still ironing out a few details on activities.  Just know its happening and I will drop the exact details as we approach.  

End of the Summer Goodbye Intern Party - Sunday August 14 - 6:00pm

We will be gathering together in the teen area to say goodbye to the summer and our interns. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Lake Day - This Saturday, July 16 - 1:00pm-7:00pm
It's time for another lake day but this one will be just a little different. We are going to be doing our inaugural Lake Day Aquatic games. Games start at 2:30 and dinner will be served around 5:00pm. This time girls bring canned drinks and guys bring sides or desserts. We will be having grilled chicken!

Hang night - This Sunday, July 17th - 6:00pm-9:00pm - At the building
Standard procedure here, theme is TBA. They'll need $4 for food and snacks.

Next Wednesday.
We will indeed be meeting together at 6:00pm

For those who have registered for camp, money is due at your soonest convenience...$120

Many of the staff will be going up early to camp to help get everything in line before campers arrive on Sunday. Andy Gann has agreed to drive the big bus up on Sunday with the campers but we need someone who is willing to simply ride there and back with him. You would be returning on that Sunday evening. I realize that sounds like a whole lot of fun and I'm sure you don't want to miss out on this grand opportunity to serve.... But seriously, we need someone.... The last shall be first - Jesus.